Sociologica. V.14 N.3 (2020)
ISSN 1971-8853

Erratum: Paul Stewart, Lean Production and Neo-liberal Crisis. A Comment on “Working Conditions within Italian FCA Group Plants” by Matteo Gaddi

Paul StewartDepartment of People, Organizations and Society, Grenoble École de Management, 38000 (France)

Paul Stewart is a Senior Research Professor Sociology of Work and Employment, Department of People, Organizations and Society, Grenoble École de Management, Grenoble, France. He has been researching the impact of lean production on automotive workers for over two decades, working with assembly workers and UNITE at national and plant level. He is a member of UNITE the union and a delegat, comité d’entreprise at GEM. He is also a member of the Critical Labour Studies network. He is co-author of We Sell Our Time No More (Pluto Books), a critical sociology of the struggles of car workers against lean production in the UK automotive industry. He was editor of the British Sociological Association’s journal Work, Employment and Society (2001–2004), comité de redaction de Nouvelle Revue de Travail (Paris), and Capital and Class.

Published: 2021-01-29

Due to an editorial error, the final version of Paul Stewart’s “Lean Production and Neo-liberal Crisis. A Comment on ‘Working Conditions within Italian FCA Group Plants’ by Matteo Gaddi” issued in Vol.14 n.2 (2020) of Sociologica,1 had a problem with the first footnote where two paragraph appeared misplaced at the end of the article.

The abstract has also received minor linguistic changes.

We apologize for the oversight.


The article has been amended in date 2020-09-24.
