In the last twenty years or so, contemporary historian Mark Solovey has become one of the most highly esteemed scholars among those committed to reflecting on the history and the fate of the social and psychological sciences during and beyond the postwar period. In particular, he has been able to combine critical thinking on the Cold War era in general with more focused work on the network of public and private funders of the American social sciences during the Cold War (Kleinman & Solovey, 1995; Solovey, 2001, 2012, 2013). In Social Science for What? (2020) he finally concentrates at length on what looks like his first, and crucial, intellectual crush: the National Science Foundation (NSF). The history of this influential institution and its impact on the macro-field of American social science during the second half of the 20th century is traced on the basis of a powerful pair of guiding hypotheses. First, early structural and funding choices favored the adoption of a “scientistic framework” to include, justify, and evaluate social scientific work within the NSF. Second, this framework had an impact outside the scientific macro-field, as the status and the promise of the social sciences were recursively, and hotly, debated within American political culture and partisan politics (Solovey, 2020, pp. 6–8).
In the following pages, we start by summarizing Social Science for What? as a rich account of the place and the role of the social sciences in the NSF from the mid-1940s to the end of the 1980s. In particular, in the first section we highlight the tensions that built up around the epistemic status of the social sciences vis-à-vis the natural sciences and the reputational debates surrounding their role and fate during and after the postwar period. Was social science going to be a valuable instrument for addressing urgent societal problems or the dangerous propagator of corrupting ideologies? In the remainder of the paper our attention turns to structures, actors and processes not addressed by Solovey. In the second section we sketch the intellectual and academic trajectory of the late American anthropologist, Clifford Geertz, encouraged by the fact that Solovey himself presents him as the standard-bearer of that interpretation-oriented social science excluded from NSF funding. We use Geertz’s case to emphasise the importance of looking at relationships, networks, and patterns of stratification within and across disciplines that contributed to the emergence of novel approaches outside the scientistic and positivistic framework sponsored by the NSF. In the third section we focus on the National Endowment for the Humanities as a relevant example of an alternative source of economic and symbolic capitals for non-positivistic social scientists.1 In the fourth and last section we indicate how stratification, networks, and institutions might be combined with a number of broader, long-term processes in the macro-field of the social and behavioral sciences. We underpin our argument with some preliminary data suggesting that this approach, although incomplete here, could be fruitful in casting a more complex and dynamic portrayal of the development of American social science.2
4 From Funders to Fractals and the Sociology of Sociology
As limited as our research has been, it is clear that the conditions of the macro-field of American social science were (and still are) much more complex than Social Science for What? (Solovey, 2020), with its focus on the National Science Foundation, would suggest. The book was admittedly, and correctly, limited in its scope, so this is not a criticism that detracts from the merits and strengths of Solovey’s work. At the same time, had Solovey presented bibliometric or scientometric data on the shifting proportion of scientistic and non-scientistic approaches over time, or a detailed analysis of the research projects submitted to the NSF for evaluation, his overall picture would have gained some strength. That kind of data would also help to assess the effective timing of the rise of scientism in American social science and the National Science Foundation’s impact on the various fields. Again, our intent is not to criticize Solovey’s theses, but to call attention to the complexity of the wider macro-field of American social science — and to the lack of sound and extensive sets of data that might help historians and social scientists assess the development of various styles of thought and/or methodological approaches.
As far as empirical research goes (as opposed to personal opinion on the part of social scientists or disciplinary lore, which tend to focus on the “happy few”), only a few assessments of the relative proportions of “qualitative” and “quantitative” research and/or publications in sociology and the other social sciences are available — and this is unfortunate, for such measures might serve as proxies for evaluating the impact of the NSF. The complexity of the field emerges clearly from even a cursory survey of the copious “sociology of sociology” literature typical of the early 1970s — itself a sign of the rising unrest at the boundaries of the discipline at the time of the epistemic and disciplinary revolts of the late 1960s (Sica & Turner, 2005; Bortolini, 2021a, Ch. 9). In their 1969 evaluation of the state of sociology, Neil J. Smelser and James A. Davis underlined the impetuous growth of the discipline as gauged by the increase in both students (graduate and undergraduate) and funds, which grew from US$ 2.5 million in 1959 to US$ 36.6 million in 1966 (pp. 132–139). Like Smelser & Davis (1969, pp. 147–148), James L. McCartney (1971, p. 385 ff.) underscored the importance and the perils of applied research financed by the NIMH, NSF, and the US Department of Agriculture. At the same time, in the early 1970s the field was a patchwork of methods, theories, journals, and departments lacking a shared definition of what counted as prestigious (Glenn, 1971; Bode, 1972).
What is interesting about the “sociology of sociology” of the early 1970s is that the quantitative/qualitative divide was seldom a topic for reflection. Most research focused on sub-specialties and their relative status (Smelser & Davis, 1969, p. 148 ff; McCartney, 1971, p. 393 ff; Cappell & Guterbock, 1992), or on the relationship between applied and basic research, on the one hand, and the values and the political positioning of sociologists, on the other (Lipset & Ladd, 1972). Research done on major journals in sociology (i.e., the American Journal of Sociology and the American Sociological Review) estimated that there was an appreciable rise in quantitative and statistics-based sociology between the early 1940s and the late 1960s (Brown & Gilmartin, 1969; McCartney, 1970), but rarely did these data give rise to a current of (self-)reflection on what Solovey (2020) calls scientism.15 More recent research on article abstracts from major journals highlighted the existence (or the persistence) of a methodological divide between qualitative and quantitative areas (Traag & Franssen, 2016; Schwemmer & Wieczorek, 2020), a trend that is somehow softened by the fact, about which most major players in the American sociological field seem to agree, that in the 2010s and 2020s most sociologists would use whatever method they deem fit to advance their research interests, without any strong prejudice (see Chen, 2020; Abbott, 1999).
Wider historical and theoretical research on American sociology seems to confirm not only the field’s pluralism but also the counterforces and the many epistemic “revolts” that have punctuated the last seventy years. In her pioneering work on the emergence of research methods, Jennifer Platt (1996) suggested using an approach based on “incoherence, eclecticism, and lack of pattern” to study such a complex and decentred field as sociology (p. 236). In The Impossible Science, Stephen Turner and Jonathan Turner (1990) argued that the increased availability of research money and the diversity of funding agencies consistently produced more epistemic and methodological pluralism. Others have emphasized the continuous emergence of intrinsically inter- and multi-disciplinary fields and specialties where scientistic and humanistic approaches would mix almost by definition: to name a few, we could point to area studies in the 1950s and women’s, ethnic, and cultural studies from the late 1960s onwards (Wallerstein, 1998, p. 36 ff.; Blasi, 2005; Rhoades, 1981). All of these were based on a rejection of (the sometimes-incompatible forms of) positivism typical of “mainstream” social science (Platt, 1996, p. 103). When combined with the many autonomous systems of stratification and allocation of material and immaterial capital, these dynamic elements contribute to a more complex, less univocal picture of the macro-field.
More recently Andrew Abbott and James T. Sparrow (2007, p. 295–297) noted that the need to map (and control) nation-wide populations typical of wartime research boosted a positivistic, survey-based approach whose roots went back to the inter-war period, and in fact, at least to the epistemic premises of the Culture and Personality movement in anthropology and Ernest Burgess’s “adjustment school” in sociology (Abbott & Sparrow, 2007, p. 306). “The war furthered and perhaps consummated sociology’s love affair with science,” they wrote, but did not produce “what might seem the logical outcome — an applied science of openly recognized social planning based on esoteric knowledge” (p. 300). While Solovey (2020) is right in attributing the failure to advance a pragmatic version of social science to the same skepticism against political planning that sealed the fate of the social sciences at the NSF, Abbott & Sparrow (2007, p. 293) are particularly effective in shedding some light on other dynamic elements of the field, such as the demographics of PhD holders in the social sciences who came to occupy almost all the top and middle-rank positions available in the 1940s and 1950s, thus reproducing for some thirty years a very specific understanding of what proper social science looked like.16
It might be, then, that the main problem of Solovey’s book does not depend on his narrow empirical focus on the NSF or his neglect of other players and processes. It may be that the book’s limits are mainly theoretical — i.e., a better “background theory” of the intellectual and academic field would have produced a more balanced analytical story. Bortolini and Cossu (2019) have sketched the main threads of the debate elsewhere. Here we will only call attention to the model advanced by Andrew Abbott (2001) in Chaos of Disciplines, a book where the discipline of sociology is used to illustrate a wider theoretical pattern of intellectual life. According to Abbott, the intrinsic pluralism of a field where position-taking and diversity is the norm (Bourdieu, 1984; Collins, 1998; Baert, 2018) gives rise to waves of success and decline that have a more or less thirty-year time frame, becoming a “generational paradigm” (Abbott, 2001, p. 23). More interestingly, this cycle of rise and decline has a specific “fractal” form: since debates in the social sciences revolve around a handful of “irresolvable” basic problems, each intellectual or epistemic victory is, in fact, a remapping of the field of sorts. “The triumph of a position in intellectual life,” Abbott (2001, p. 18) writes, “usually guarantees that position’s downfall by playing it in a new context of fractal comparison.” Since the winners cannot encompass all the problems (and the solutions) that their former competitors had envisioned from their own point of view, the losing position re-emerges within the winning one as an “internal opposition” of sorts. These new, originally minority positions become an interface and a point of exchange with external fields and disciplines, and promote innovation, hybridization, and, finally, the start of a new cycle of rise and decline where old ideas don new clothes to respond to new/old challenges.
In a sense, the story of Geertz and Bellah “inventing” hermeneutic and interpretive social science from within the Parsonian network is a tale of fractal cycles. As the best students of one of the masters of mainstream scientistic social science, they developed an interest in one of the most cutting edges of research — that is, culture — but found themselves unsatisfied with the formulaic approach to symbols typical of systems theory. They thus cast their gaze outside social science proper, taking the philosophy of symbolic forms from the humanistic fields of literary criticism, and drawing on religious studies for the tools and methods needed to start a (new version of a recurrent) epistemic revolution. At the same time, and contrary to what some critics have maintained, neither Geertz nor Bellah gave up their identification with social science — they never wanted to “move” once and for all to the humanities, thus giving ammunition to both more radical (i.e., humanistic) and more conservative (i.e., positivistic) shifts from the compromise “fractal” position they had elaborated as the centripetal heirs of the mainstream network (Bortolini, 2014b; Cossu, 2021).
Maybe a re-telling of Solovey’s (2020) story based upon this canovaccio of Abbott’s (2001) fractal cycles would help make sense of some unexpected phenomena, such as the late-1960s revolts against the introduction of further statistics requirements in graduate curricula or the mushrooming of alternative, anti-positivist, and politicized approaches at a time — the 1970s — when the social sciences as a whole suffered from a general haemorrhage of funds and students.17 These “sustainable revolutions” (again, a term coined by Turner & Turner, 1990) are only the latest example of a cyclic opposition to value-free, “purely scientific” research styles that started, for the period under consideration, with the establishment of the Society for the Study of Social Problems in 1953 (Skura, 1976). It might be, as we have admitted, that sociology is not representative of social science in general — after all, as a generalist “container” of scientific interests and sensibilities, it has never been good at excluding objects, methods, and other “things” (Abbott, 2001, pp. 5–6). At the same time, it seems to us that a combination of Abbott’s self-proclaimed “internalist” approach, complete with his ecological understanding of the complex relationships between departmental and disciplinary forms of organization, and Solovey’s (2020) interest in the relationships between the scientific and the political fields (and the wider public sphere, where general debates take place) would greatly improve a historical work whose inventiveness and accuracy are beyond doubt. If the various (and sometimes competing) structural and cultural models of scientific success and disciplinary primacy we briefly sketched are persuasive, the (alleged) primacy of positivist social sciences is not only due to political decisions or strategies of “passing” on the part of social scientists, as in Solovey’s history of the National Science Foundation, but also to the very structure of the intellectual field of modern science — itself a social and cultural construction which might, one day, disappear.
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Another case in point could have been the Wenner-Gren Foundation, a key player for the development of American anthropology (see Lindee & Radin, 2016).↩︎
We will focus mostly on sociology, even though we know that, as a pluralistic and rather “porous” discipline (Abbott, 2001; Turner, 2014), it might not be representative of the macro-field as such. In this sense, our observations are to be seen more as suggestions for future research than as criticisms of a fine book.↩︎
Today Parsons is generally considered as a strong supporter of the scientistic understanding of the social and behavioral sciences, a view that we are not going to challenge (see Abbott & Sparrow, 2007; Calhoun & VanAntwerpen, 2007; Steinmetz, 2007; Bortolini, 2021a, Ch. 4). At the same time, his positions have always been much more nuanced and problematic than Solovey seems to acknowledge, as shown by his many editorial statements in the American Sociologist (the professional journal of the American Sociological Association he founded in 1965) during the hot debates on the status and the vocation of sociology of the late 1960s. (See, e.g., Parsons, 1965, 1967)↩︎
The expressions are cited in a standard letter that the chief of the research fellowship section of the NIMH, B.E. Boothe, sent Parsons to ask him to assess Geertz’s promise in the Fall of 1963. Needless to say, Parsons’s reply was enthusiastic. The grant was awarded in 1964 and lasted until Geertz moved to the Princeton Institute in 1970 (Parsons, 1963). The papers of the Chicago Anthropology Department show that Geertz was not the only anthropologist to receive NIMH money — apart from smaller grants, another champion of cultural and symbolic anthropology (and Parsons’s former student), David M. Schneider, received a NIMH grant from 1961 to 1971. See, in particular, the papers of the Chicago Anthropology Department, University of Chicago Special Collections, box 100, folder 5 “Clifford Geertz (NIMH).”↩︎
This is not the place to discuss Geertz’s adventures at the Princeton IAS. Suffice it to say that although he and IAS director Carl Kaysen failed to coopt sociologist Robert Bellah as the second professor at the School of Social Science in 1972 (Bortolini, 2021a, Ch. 10), all subsequent picks were interpretive and interdisciplinary scholars: Albert O. Hirschman (in 1974), Michael Walzer (in 1980), and Joan Wallach Scott (in 1985), thus consolidating a general “soft” orientation of what has consistently been considered one of the top ten academic institutions in the world (Scott & Keates, 2011). For a general assessment of institutes for advanced study, see Padberg (2020).↩︎
Available at (last accessed November 24, 2021).↩︎
In particular, we selected the following disciplines: anthropology, cultural anthropology, economics, social science: general, geography, linguistic anthropology, social science: other, psychology, and sociology.↩︎
Projects financed through private funds were also submitted to a peer review process, and they typically received a combination of program (“outright”) funds and matching funds. (See Miller, 1984, pp. 33, 162). In 1966, the agency’s efforts were devoted almost entirely to planning. In fact, the budget for that year was spent in 1967 (p. 30).↩︎
A more recent discussion of the structure of funding for the social sciences is presented in Grossmann, 2021, Ch. 5.↩︎
The three projects were entitled “A Film Record of the Pashtoon People of Afghanistan,” “Pashtoon Nomads of Afghanistan Project,” and “The Apacheans: A Comparative Study in Culture and Cultural Dynamics.” Three years later, the best-funded projects were “The Agnicayana Ritual,” “An Analysis of the Anthropological and Narrative Functions of the Multiple Frames in the Decameron,” and “The Transmission of Cultural Traditions into Space.”↩︎
Just as the natural sciences have the President’s National Medal for Science (instituted in 1959, since 1980 it can be awarded to a social scientist), the NEH awards the National Medal for Humanities, created in 1997 after the Charles Franker Prize in the Humanities (1988). Winners of the former award for “Behavioral and Social Science” include R.K. Merton in 1994 and William Julius Wilson in 1998. Although Geertz was repeatedly nominated for the National Medal for the Humanities to no avail, the award was given to at least four scholars who had strong ties with him and/or, for better or worse, the Princeton IAS: Robert Bellah (2000), Bernard Lewis (2006), Robert Darnton (2011), and Natalie Zemon Davis (2012). The symbolic function of the NEH, especially in increasing humanistic research’s prestige with the general public, is emphasized in Turner & Turner (1990, p. 143).↩︎
According to former IAS director Carl Kaysen (1976, pp. 18–19), the IAS School of Social Science had been originally funded by the Ford Foundation, the 1907 Foundation, and a few private donors. Besides the funds given to Geertz, the NEH gave another US$ 161K to the School for funding temporary fellowships following applications by Albert O. Hirschman (FC-0401-79) and Michael Walzer (FC20034-83). A further US$ 1.5 million for fellowships and US$ 1.1 million for individual projects were granted to permanent members and/or directors of the IAS.↩︎
The funding was provided under the category of general social science. Incidentally, this means that this grant was not considered under the heading of anthropology or cultural anthropology in the previous calculation, as well as contributing to show that many of the projects funded by the NEH in the period considered do not fall into a distinct disciplinary framework.↩︎
It should be added that up until that moment Bellah had been a typical armchair scholar, working solely with books and texts with the generous support of the Ford Foundation. When he decided to “go empirical” with a research group of five who used “qualitative” methods to interview slightly over 200 people and run several rounds of participant observation, he was able to secure a sum corresponding to 1M in 2021 dollars. This serves to show that scholars at the top of their field never had problems in finding money to finance their humanistic or interpretive approach. (See NCH, 1975).↩︎
Given the different traditions in sociological specialties, it is clear that the quantitative/qualitative divide was more or less reproduced not only within but also across the sub-disciplines. Empirical data remain, however, scarce. On political science, see Kuehn & Rohlfing (2016).↩︎
In a “twin” essay, George Steinmetz (2007, pp. 319–324) argues that an “epistemological stalemate” between ethnographic and survey techniques took place in the 1930s, and then goes on to depict the rise of positivism in the following decades. Calhoun & VanAntwerpen (2007), who also write about the postwar period, maintain that so-called “mainstream sociology” (i.e., that depicted by Solovey in his book) had less of an influence on the field at large than is generally thought.↩︎
Both points are emphasized in Turner & Turner (1990, pp. 143, 172–176).↩︎