This corrigendum regards the article Bustelo, M. (2023). Resilience and Gender-Structural Change in Universities: How Bottom-Up Approaches Can Leverage Transformation When Top-Level Management Support Fails. Sociologica, 17(2), 17–36.
The author requested to replace a word in order to correct an overlooked error as the sentence, which explains the difference between vice-rectors and delegates, refers to delegates and not vicerectors.
The correction regard the following sentence, in paragraph 4 (page 28):
The composition of governing bodies within universities can vary, but typically, these bodies are comprised of vice-rectors rather than delegates of the Rector.
These vice-rectorsThe delegates are responsible for implementing specific measures or policies and liaising directly with the Rector, but they are not usually involved in the Rector’s broader decision-making processes.
The article was amended on 20 December, 2023.