Sociologica. V.17 N.3 (2023), 179–179
ISSN 1971-8853

Corrigendum: Resilience and Gender-Structural Change in Universities: How Bottom-Up Approaches Can Leverage Transformation When Top-Level Management Support Fails

María BusteloComplutense University of Madrid (Spain)

María Bustelo is Associate Professor of Political Science and Administration and member of the Feminist Research Institute at the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain). She was the European Coordinator of the Horizon 2020 SUPERA project and she is currently the UCM PI of another Horizon 2020 UniSAFE project (Making Universities and Research Organisations Safe from Gender-Based Violence by Building a Knowledge Base and Operational Tools, 2021–2024). She is the co-director of the Excellence UCM Research Group on Gender & Politics. She is the author of various publications on the evaluation of public policies, gender policies in Spain and Europe, and gender mainstreaming.

Published: 2024-03-12

This corrigendum regards the article Bustelo, M. (2023). Resilience and Gender-Structural Change in Universities: How Bottom-Up Approaches Can Leverage Transformation When Top-Level Management Support Fails. Sociologica, 17(2), 17–36.

The author requested to replace a word in order to correct an overlooked error as the sentence, which explains the difference between vice-rectors and delegates, refers to delegates and not vicerectors.

The correction regard the following sentence, in paragraph 4 (page 28):

The composition of governing bodies within universities can vary, but typically, these bodies are comprised of vice-rectors rather than delegates of the Rector. These vice-rectors The delegates are responsible for implementing specific measures or policies and liaising directly with the Rector, but they are not usually involved in the Rector’s broader decision-making processes.

The article was amended on 20 December, 2023.