Sociologica. V.13 N.3 (2019)
ISSN 1971-8853

Addendum: The Vices and Virtues of “Populisms”

Philippe C. Schmitter

Published: 2019-12-31

Due to an editorial error, the final version of Philippe Schmitter’s “The Vices and Virtues of ‘Populisms’,” issued in Vol.13 n.1 (2019) of Sociologica,1 was lacking the attribution note that acknowledge its original issue in the Romanian Journal of Political Sciences. We apologize for the oversight.

The article has been amended in date 2019-10-30.

  1. Schmitter, P. (2019). The Vices and Virtues of “Populisms”. Sociologica, 13(1), 75–81.