Homines Diversi: Heterogeneous Earner Behaviors in the Platform Economy
Airbnb, behavioral models, platform cooperative, gig economy, platform economyAbstract
The platform economy has entered its second decade, and researchers are developing new theorizations of it as an economic form. One important feature is a heterogeneous labor force with respect to hours of work. In this paper, we identify another type of heterogeneity, which is the diversity of economic orientation of earners. Using in-depth interview data from 102 earners on three platforms (Airbnb, TaskRabbit, and StocksyUnited) we find that even within individual platforms, earners have different behavioral models. We have identified three — the maximizing homo economicus; sociologists’ relational homo socialis; and homo instrumentalis. We present evidence of these three types. We then discuss platform policies and how earner diversity aligns with their imperatives for growth.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Mehmet Cansoy, Samantha Eddy, Isak Ladegaard , Juliet B. Schor

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