Sociologica Curated

Welcome to Sociologica Curated, our new publishing initiative. In this ebook format we have created thematic collections of articles published in Sociologica. The ebook can be read in sequential mode, to reconstruct a debate; or it can be consulted to identify individual articles, which can be accessed directly by clicking their title in the table of contents.

We hope this ebook format will be useful as learning materials in classes or as a support for students and researchers doing literature review on a topic. Be sure to check this page regularly because we will be publishing new ebooks periodically. Enjoy the reading!


Sociologists in Conversation Volume 2

Table of Contents…
  • Eduardo Barberis, Barbara Grüning, Sherine Hamdy, Coleman Nye, & Francesco Dragone, EthnoGRAPHIC: An Interview [15(1) 2021]

  • Ana Gross & Lucy Suchman, Lucy Suchman in Conversation with Ana Gross, [15(2) 2021]

  • Alexandru Preda & Karin Knorr Cetina, Karin Knorr Cetina: An Interview with Alex Preda, [15(3) 2021]

  • Margaret R. Somers & Daniel Hirschman, Margaret Somers in Conversation with Daniel Hirschman [16(1) 2022]

  • Helga Nowotny & Elena Esposito, Helga Nowotny in Conversation with Elena Esposito [16(2) 2022]

  • Alexandre Mallard & Michel Callon, From Innovation to Markets and Back. A Conversation with Michel Callon [16(3) 2022]

  • Filippo Barbera & Charles F. Sabel, Fixing the Climate: Charles Sabel in Conversation with Filippo Barbera [17(1) 2023]

  • Souza Leao & Elisa Reis, Luciana de Souza Leao interviews Elisa Reis [17(2) 2023]


Sociologists in Conversation Volume 1

Table of Contents…
  • Riccardo Emilio Chesta & Wolfgang Streeck, Crisis and Critique of Social Sciences. Wolfgang Streeck in Conversation with Riccardo Emilio Chesta [10(3) 2016]

  • Filippo Barbera & David Stark, Diversity and Worth. A Retrospective Account. David Stark in Conversation with Filippo Barbera [11(1) 2017]

  • Laszlo Bruszt & Claus Offe, Claus Offe in Conversation with Laszlo Bruszt [11(2) 2017]

  • Craig Calhoun & Riccardo Emilio Chesta, Sociology and Its Public. Craig Calhoun in Conversation with Riccardo Emilio Chesta [11(3) 2017]

  • Roberta Sassatelli & Alessandro Pizzorno, The Mask and Identity. A Conversation with Alessandro Pizzorno [13(2) 2019]

  • Lorenzo Sabetta & Eviatar Zerubavel, Times of Sociology. Eviatar Zerubavel in Conversation with Lorenzo Sabetta [13(2) 2019]

  • José Ossandón & Viviana Zelizer, How Did I Become a Historical Economic Sociologist? Viviana Zelizer in Conversation with José Ossandón [13(3) 2019]

  • Niccolò Morelli & Robert J. Sampson, Lessons and Current Challenges for Urban Sociologists. A Conversation with Robert J. Sampson [14(1) 2020]

  • Rick Harp, Candis Callison & Mary Lynn Young, Value and Values in the Interstices of Journalism and Journalism Studies: An Interview with Candis Callison and Mary Lynn Young [14(2) 2020]


Power and Control in Platform Monopoly Capitalism

Edited by Ivana Pais and David Stark

Table of Contents…
  • Ivana Pais & David Stark, Editor’s introduction [14(3) 2021]


  • David Stark & Ivana Pais, Algorithmic Management in the Platform Economy [14(3) 2021]

  • Jamie Peck & Rachel Phillips, The Platform Conjuncture [14(3) 2021]

  • Koen Frenken & Lea Fuenfschilling, The Rise of Online Platforms and the Triumph of the Corporation [14(3) 2021]

  • Koray Caliskan, Platform Works as Stack Economization: Cryptocurrency Markets and Exchanges in Perspective [14(3) 2021]

  • Mehmet Cansoy, Samantha Eddy, Isak Ladegaard, & Juliet B. Schor, Homines Diversi: Heterogeneous Earner Behaviours in the Platform Economy [14(3) 2021]

  • Janet A. Vertesi, Adam Goldstein, Diana Enriquiez, & Larry Liu, Pre-Automation: Insourcing and Automating the Gig Economy [14(3) 2021]

  • Elizabeth Anne Watkins & David Stark, The Möbius Organizational Form: Make, Buy, Cooperate, or Co-opt? [12(1) 2018]


  • Gernot Grabher & Jonas König, Disruption, Embedded: A Polanyian Framing of the Platform Economy [14(1) 2020]

  • Koray Caliskan, Polanyi, Callon, and Amazon: Institutionalist, ANT and DRAN Approaches to the Platform Economy [14(3) 2021]

  • Kevin Woojin Lee & Elizabeth Anne Watkins, From Productivity to Performances: Reconsidering Platforms’ Production of The Future of Work, Organizing, and Society [14(3) 2021]

  • Ivana Pais & Giancarlo Provasi, Share vs Platform Economy [14(3) 2021]

  • Martin Kenney, John Zysman, & Dasha Bearson, Transformation or Structural Change? What Polanyi Can Teach Us about the Platform Economy [14(3) 2021]

Doing Social Sciences via Comics and Graphic Novels

Edited by Eduardo Barberis and Barbara Gruning

Table of Contents…
  • Eduardo Barberis & Barbara Grüning, Doing Social Sciences Via Comics and Grapic Novels: An Introduction. [15(1) 2021]

  • Beauty: Triggering the Sociological Imagination with a Webcomic, Giselinde Kuipers & Fiammetta Ghedini [15(1) 2021]

  • Benjamin Schiemer, Roman Duffner, & S. R. Ayers, Theories of Creativity: The Significance of the Insignificant. A Graphic Novel. [15(1) 2021]

  • Benjamin Schiemer, Roman Duffner, & S. R. Ayers, Theories of Creativity: The Significance of the Insignificant. Research Note: Methodological Reflections behind the Scenes. [15(1) 2021]

  • Adriano Cancellieri & Giada Peterle, Urban Research in Comics Form: Exploring Spaces, Agency and Narrative Maps in Italian Marginalized Neighbourhoods. [15(1) 2021]

  • Brad Evans, Portraits of Violence. Critical Reflections on the Graphic Novel. [15(1) 2021]

  • Jérôme Berthaur, Jennifer Bidet, & Mathias Thura, Making Sociologically-Grounded Fictions. A Review of the Sociorama Collection Experience. [15(1) 2021]

  • Eduardo Barberis, Barbara Grüning, Sherine Hamdy, Coleman Nye, & Francesco Dragone, EthnoGRAPHIC: An Interview. [15(1) 2021]

  • Bart Beaty, The Sociological Image Nation. [15(1) 2021]

  • Ian Hague, Social Sciences/Comics: A Commentary on Sociologica’s Exploration of Comics. [15(1) 2021]

  • Monica Sassatelli, Show and Tell. [15(1) 2021]


Journalistic Culture in the 21st Century

Edited by C.W. Anderson

Table of Contents…
  • C.W. Anderson, From Value to Values, from Field to Discipline: Understanding Journalistic Culture in the 21st Century [14(2) 2020]

  • Sarah J. Jackson, On #BlackLivesMatter and Journalism [14(2) 2020]

  • Juliette De Maeyer, “A Nose for News”: From (News) Values to Valuation [14(2) 2020]

  • Angèle Christin & Caitlin Petre, Making Peace with Metrics: Relational Work in Online News Production [14(2) 2020]

  • Lucas Graces & Laurens Lauer, From Movement to Institution: The “Global Fact” Summit as a Field-Configuring Event [14(2) 2020]

  • Elizabeth Hansen, Disrupting the News [14(2) 2020]

  • Amanda Daniëlle Brouwers & Tamara Witschge, Hope as a Portal to Change: Reimagining Journalism’s Value(s) [14(2) 2020]

  • Ronald N. Jacobs, Virality, Algorithms and Illiberal Attacks on the Press: Legitimation Strategies for a New World [14(2) 2020]

  • Rick Harp, Candis Callison, & Mary Lynn Young, Value and Values in the Interstices of Journalism and Journalism Studies: An Interview with Candis Callison and Mary Lynn Young [14(2) 2020]

  • Jiang Chang, Todd Gitlin, & Michael Schudson, Reflectng on Forty Years of Sociology, Media Studies, and Journalism: An Intervew with Todd Gitlin and Michael Schudson [14(2) 2020]