For Preparedness as Transformation


  • Lavinia Bifulco Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Milano-Bicocca
  • Laura Centemeri Centre d'étude des mouvements sociaux, CNRS-EHESS-INSERM
  • Carlotta Mozzana Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Milano-Bicocca



disaster, risk, preparedness, collaborative governance, knowledge, uncertainty


In this paper we point out the topic and the rational of the symposium aiming on the one hand to connect preparedness to the uncertainty that characterizes society-environment relation, on the other hand to emphasise the need for sociology not only to denounce the governmental implications of preparedness but also to engage constructively with this category. We begin by recalling the framework changes that have characterized the social sciences’ understanding of disasters by showing how progressively the idea of disaster as a one-time event that disrupts a society from the outside has been complemented by an idea of disaster as a critical moment embedded in historically determined social structures. We will then discuss how the emergence of the preparedness paradigm fits within these developments and how sociological research can help to better understand what is at stake in the governing of (and by) preparedness. In this perspective we advance a reading of preparedness from the vantage point of knowledge. As a conclusion, we discuss how the understanding of preparedness as dependent on socio-ecological transformation raises specific challenges for territorial governance.


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How to Cite

Bifulco, L., Centemeri, L., & Mozzana, C. (2021). For Preparedness as Transformation. Sociologica, 15(3), 5–24.


