Deepening the Liaison: Mixed Embeddedness and Economic Sociology


  • Luca Storti University of Turin, Italy



mixed embeddedness, migrant entrepreneurship, economy, institutions, social networks


Mixed Embeddedness is a consolidated approach to investigate entrepreneurial migrant minorities that has informed numerous empirical studies. This paper takes a theoretical perspective, establishing a dialog with the major traditions of economic sociology to extend this approach in two directions: i) it adds a micro-level theory of action to permit closer scrutiny of the mechanisms that generate migrant entrepreneurship; and ii) it considers the normative and cultural aspects of embeddedness from a neo-institutionalist standpoint in order to gain a more complete understanding of the processes whereby migrant enterprises take a particular shape once they have been set up, and the spatial patterns they assume.


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How to Cite

Storti, L. (2018). Deepening the Liaison: Mixed Embeddedness and Economic Sociology. Sociologica, 12(2), 23–37.


