Rethinking the Interconnections between Family Socialization and Gender through the Lens of Multi-local, Post-separation Families


  • Laura Merla UCLouvain; University of Western Australia



gender, motility, ICT, children, shared custody


This paper presents new avenues for the study of gender socialisation within families, through a focus on children growing “in” and “between” two homes in the context of shared physical custody arrangements. Each of these two homes are indeed governed by specific gender regimes, that children must appropriate, negotiate and navigate to construct their own gender identity. The paper connects in particular gender socialization in shared custody arrangements with the acquisition of mobility capital and territorial appropriation; and highlights the role of ICTs in everyday lived experiences of shared physical custody and how these technologies intervene in gender socialization processes.


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How to Cite

Merla, L. (2018). Rethinking the Interconnections between Family Socialization and Gender through the Lens of Multi-local, Post-separation Families. Sociologica, 12(3), 47–57.


