We are an international, peer-reviewed journal committed to fostering rigorous debate not only about theoretical and methodological issues but also about the practice of the sociological craft. To stimulate constructive dialogue among researchers, our typical article format includes a major contribution followed by critical commentary and the author’s reply. We also invite submissions in formats other than the standard social science article including interviews, review essays, and other special features.

We publish three times a year. Founded in 2007, Sociologica is one of the first international journals of sociology issued solely online and fully open access with no cost to authors and readers. We are indexed in Scopus and Web of Science.

Editors-in-chief: Elena Esposito, Ivana Pais, David Stark

Managing Editor: Ester Cois

Associate Editors: Chris Anderson, Filippo Barbera, Riccardo Emilio Chesta

Associate Managing Editor: Federico Bianchi

Editorial Board

Past Editors

ISSN 1971-8853


Current Issue

Vol. 18 No. 1 (2024)
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